Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms To Teach...Small Things Make a Difference

Doing a little studying, here and there helps.
Doing a little cleaning, here and there helps.
Speaking a little kinder makes a difference.
Eating a little lighter makes a difference.
Smiling a little makes a difference.
Laughing a little makes a difference.
Walking or exercising a little makes difference.
Complaining a little less makes a difference.
Making little changes, makes a BIG difference over time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Read of The Month

The reviews on this book sparked my attention but once I read some of the book's excerpt, I knew it was a must read. Here's a small peek of what lies inside. Enjoy and grow.

I was eight years old the day my mother warned me not to play in the sun and I already knew that I was invisible. I had not read Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. Toni Morrison had not yet written The Bluest Eye. But already I had tasted the essence of racial and colorist tragedy. I feasted on it every day. I had parents who loved me, a nurturing family, many friends. I was smart in school, was often considered the teacher's pet. And I also knew that the specific physical traits that comprised my racial identity were despised.

Words had informed me of this. The words from family and friends that showered praise and compliments on lighter hued, straighter haired children for their beauty, words that I never heard used to describe brown to black children. Words like "Isn't she so pretty?" uttered with a sharp intake of stunned breath, eyes bulging in near-disbelief, at the sight of a curly haired light-skinned toddler. Words like "Just look at that hair!" (Translation: it was long, straight, thick.)

"Look at those eyes" (Translation: maybe they were light brown or green or grey). All the words I heard. All the words I read. And for a long time, all the words I could imagine thinking or writing supported skin color apartheid. As a child, I already knew that the world was a pigmentocracy. And I knew where I fit in that hierarchy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

God Made Moms To Teach...There Is A Will and A Way

"Where there's a will there's a way", we all have used the proverb but I don't think we fully recognize what is being said. Friends, there has always been a will and there has always been a way. God's will has always existed and so has the way. He willed us into existence, did he not? Seldom do we pray or act in God's will only and the way many of us choose to live our lives is a testament of that. A lot of times we pray and act out of self fulfillment and what I mean by this is that we only pray for our wills to be done and not just that His will be done. The moral of this short story is there has always been a will and there has always been a way but we as children of the most high god must be able to discern if it is His will being done or just our will creating the way.

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice. ~ Delphine

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

One of Our Many Beautiful Brown Moms

The first lady is representing us well. I love seeing the Obama family enjoying their life in the White House and as our first family. Michelle is such a beautiful brown woman. She and Barack make a beautiful couple.

Love this photo, check out the couple in the back. You know their whispering about how good the President and the first lady look. I think we all need to get on the Obama workout plan because they both are bringing it!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

God Made Moms To Teach...Pray For Others But Especially When They Come To Mind.

Some times God will lay a person on your heart because He wants you to pray for that person or He wants you to reach out to that person. The other night God placed one of my a friends on my mind. I had not spoken with her in a year but I had had thoughts of her a time or two over the past few of weeks. Over the year, I could have reached out by sending her an email but I didn't have her email address. I could have called but since she lives in another country I had to plan the call ahead of time since we are six hours behind them in time. Well last week while I was laying in bed I started thinking about her. I looked at my cell phone but couldn't call her this time of night. I looked at her local number and called it. I didn't expect an answer I was just going to leave a message. Well I got an answer on the third ring and my friend had been in town for almost four weeks. She was an emotional wreck. I had called at the perfect time because she really needed a friend. She needed someone to listen and even though I was really tired, I listened to her talk and vent for an hour or so. Now I have an idea of what I need to pray since I made the call. It amazes me how God moves. But it's a awesome system. Like I said, I had thoughts of her a few weeks back, I wish I had acted on those thoughts then but I hadn't. I guess I was finally still enough for God to move me to call her even though I had no idea she was back in the states. So when someone is on your mind, pray for them or reach out to them. You never know what your prayers are doing or what a call can do for them. You very well may be preserving a life.

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice.~ Delphine

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Black Is In

The fastest human on the planet is Black.
The most successful brain surgeon in the world is BlackThe Superbowl-winning Head Coach is Black. The brightest Astrophysicist under the sun is Black.
The fastest racing driver in the world is Black.
The highest grossing actor worldwide is Black.
The top female tennis players in the world are Black.

The greatest golfer in the world is Black. The best known media mogul on earth is Black.
The head of the Republican National Committee is Black. The most powerful politician in the world is Black.

Now isn't our Black Beautiful!!!

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms To Teach...Our Ways/Thoughts Are Not Always His Ways/Thoughts

I had a conversation with one of my girlfriends over the weekend about parents(our parents) and the choices they have made. We clearly disagreed on how parents who have made choices we disagreed with should not even expect or seek our help. The conversation really bothered me but as friends do, we agreed to disagree and that was it. Well over the last couple of days I'm still thinking about our conversation and "why" she felt the way she did and this is what was placed in my spirit this morning "our thoughts are not his thoughts". I've learned that I will not always be able to get the answers I seek to my "why" questions because we all are different and different folk have different answers, feelings, ways, and thoughts. Friends, I really don't know if I'm using what was placed in my spirit out of context but it has allowed me to accept my friend's thoughts on a very touchy subject. I also recognize that some times our actions are not aligned with what God would want or have us to do. We sometimes pay the price for not seeking His will and sometimes He renders His grace and mercy upon us and actions ahead of time. Our ways/thoughts are not always His ways/thoughts but we still can try and seek His will for us in all things, even in helping our parents through the results of what we deem as bad choices.

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice. ~ Delphine

Proverbs 5:21 For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.

Proverbs 21:29 A wicked man puts up a bold front, but an upright man gives thought to his ways.

Psalm 10:4 In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Keep Your Heads Up

I came across this on the web today and I got to say I've always been a Tupac fan. Seeing and hearing this made me remember why I liked/like this brother. I ain't too old or too religious to overlook the message. Keep your heads up!