Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

God Made Moms To Teach Their Children....To Keep Possessions In Prospective

With Christmas just passing and everyone is enjoying their new gifts it's the best time to teach young children to keep possessions in perspective. When they began to fight over toys or complain that Derrick down the street received such and such for Christmas, remind them what really matters. Your fortunate to have a brother/sister to share your toys with, your blessed to have the gift you wanted or better yet tell them some children didn't receive anything for Christmas because their parents made the decision to feed and clothe them. Everyone gets caught up with getting the new gadget or their holiday excursions but let's keep things in prospective, there is life after Christmas and there are other families who may need our help meeting their day to day needs. We are blessed to be a blessing, some of our possessions are just wants not needs.

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice. ~ Delphine

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