Friday, November 7, 2008

A Change Is Gonna Come

I found this on youtube and as I watched it, I thanked God for blessing me and my family. I bless him for how far we have come and for how far my children can go. It amazes me how much we think we know about our past but we have yet to truly study our history. Our history has a people. A people with a purpose that existed long before our ancestors hit the shores of America, the Caribbean Islands, and the British Isles. A people who have ties to the Kingdom of Judah, no matter what tribe we hail from. With the excitement of witnessing a black president elected, the excitement should encourage us to do more with ourselves and our history. It's important for us to know our history and to share it with our children. Passing on pieces of our story is not evidence of knowing our history. Just like the bible encourages us to study to show ourselves approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, let's get back to appreciating our people and our struggles to help us get to the future God has already ordained for us. A change has to happen in our minds, in our hearts, and in our homes. Obama can't do it alone nor did the Israelites. We have to unite in knowing who we are and from whom we come from. It's not about just knowing our African History it's about being privilege to know God, the God who created us. We are of a royal priesthood covered in His grace. The change as already come, we just have to act accordingly to the change. The Israelites wonder in the wilderness for forty years because they forgot about what God had done for them in the past - he had already delivered them from Egypt, they were right around the corner from the promised land.

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