Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Commentary: Why it matters how black women wear their hair

For too many little black girls, it was a childhood ritual, like pouring make-believe tea.

I would take a pajama top, drape it over my head, and with its sleeves trailing down my back, pretend that the cotton nightshirt was, instead, a flowing mane of hair, like the Breck girl's, or maybe Jaclyn Smith's on "Charlie's Angels" -- neither of whom looked a thing like me.

Now mind you, I was no self-hater. I grew up with scholarly, professional parents who instilled in their children a love of blackness that ranged from the muted to the bellicose; from the dashiki my mother sewed for me to match the one worn by my father, to the Liberian middle name Monsio they bestowed upon me at birth.

But as much as I was black, I was also American and a girl who wanted to be called pretty, and in the 1970s, I knew that to be cute you were supposed to have long, lustrous hair.

Historically, long, straight tresses -- along with pale, white skin -- defined beauty in the United States. Black women, our complexions the hues of a cocoa rainbow and our hair often kinky and short, didn't fit the Eurocentric ideal, and we were made to feel less soft, less lovely, less womanly.

Hair became a thing that we obsessed over, searing it into contrition with hot combs and lye, and assigning it the attributes of good (straight/wavy) and evil (naturally nappy.) Indeed, Madam C.J. Walker, a black woman widely regarded as America's first black female millionaire, earned her fortune devising products and techniques that made our hair "behave."

But while black women may spend the equivalent of a small nation's gross domestic product getting our hair woven, twisted, or permed, it is not sheer vanity that drives us. Rightly or wrongly, the broader world sometimes sees our hair as a window into who we are. Right or wrong, hair does matter. And as Michelle Obama, a black woman who may become the next first lady, undergoes scrutiny, some African-Americans believe there is no better time than now to examine how black women are frequently prejudged and mischaracterized.

It's not surprising. In a society where stereotypes remain a convenient shorthand to sum up others, something as simple as the way a black woman wears her hair could hardly be innocuous. Wear twists or dreadlocks in some circles and you might be seen as too independent, too different -- too black. I know women who have purposely unbraided their cornrows before a job interview to ensure that a hairstyle didn't cost them a job. It might have been a nonissue, but they weren't taking any chances.

In my first book, my co-author, Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden, and I spoke of the "shifting'' black women have to do, straddling the tightrope between race and gender, constantly having to put others at ease, and endlessly dodging the minefield of stereotypes. Call out a wrong, and you're angry. Speak too loudly and you must have been raised "in the ghetto." Perform a task less than perfectly and you're unqualified.

Ponder for a moment the controversy surrounding Michelle Obama, most recently caricatured with her husband, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, on the cover of The New Yorker. Her well-coiffed hairdo is not usually a topic of discussion. In fact, her elegant style is often likened to Jackie O's. But on the New Yorker' cover, which satirized many of the smears leveled at the Obamas by some conservative critics, she sports an afro -- along with an assault rifle and battle fatigues.

Some blacks believe that Michelle Obama, with all her complexity, is being reduced to the age-old stereotype of the angry black woman. They view many of her detractors' comments as updated versions of the critiques historically leveled at blacks who made whites uncomfortable. When some of her critics call her arrogant, do they mean "uppity"? Is she unpatriotic or simply "not like us''?

And yet, there is no denying that society's attitudes and perceptions have evolved with time. There is a tolerance of diversity in personal style as well as ethnic background that didn't exist even a generation ago.

Black women in particular are more fully embracing the versatility of that distinct aspect of their beauty -- their fabulously kinky hair.

I doubt many little black girls today are putting nightshirts on their heads and pretending to be Britney or Miley. At least I hope not. As for me, I do straighten my locks, but it's out of habit rather than any deep-seated feeling that straighter, longer hair is prettier than my natural 'fro.

In fact, I'm contemplating a change -- sporting my kinky crown of glory full-time. And I'll greet anyone who questions it with a modified quote from the 19th century abolitionist and suffragist, Sojourner Truth -- "Ain't I -- still -- a woman?''

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms To Teach Their Children...God Gave Them Brilliant Minds

God gave us all brilliant minds, we just need to learn to accept the blessing of a brilliant mind. I once read that our talents are gifts from God and that what we do with our talents are our gifts to God. Start encouraging yourself, your husband, your children, and all the others around you to skip, walk, or even run in their brilliance. No matter what the area(s)of brilliance is in, encourage someone to embrace and use the brilliant mind that God gave them for HIS glory.

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice.~ Delphine

Matthew 25;14-29
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I didn't see this when it first came out, I'm just seeing it so bear with me yall. This video is both inspiring and encouraging, especially to parents trying to do the right thing by their children. He stresses the importance of being a parent who is responsible. He also puts the fathers who are MIA on blast. More people should stand up and speak out. We all need someone to hold us accountable. Hope you get the chance to view it, it's a good one.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Good Read Of The Month

I read this book about eight years ago and I have recommended it to several of my friends and I'm recommending it again. It's a great guide book for women dating and for women rediscovering themselves while married. She shares some things the women in my family never took the time to share or didn't know to share. Had I been privy to some of these things earlier on in life, I probably would have never experienced some of the unnecessary hurts I experienced while dating or married. Enjoy! It's a short book worth reading.
This Book is for:
o Single Women/Married Women

© Want to know the spiritual principals for dating?

© Wondering how to recognize your Boaz?

© Want to know how to capture the heart of your Mr. Right?

Women will discover the rules and scriptural principles about love that ensure solid, godly relationships. Secrets offers practical advice, inspiring prayers, and study questions to help women understand and recognize real love.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms Teach Their Children...To Open Their Mouths And Speak

Ladies, have you ever entered a room/office/restaurant, gotten in line at the store, or walked in the bathroom and not opened your mouth to say "hello" or "hi" to someone already there, someone walking by you or approaching you. If so, that's rude. I've been commuting to work for the past two months and I've observed some pretty rude habits among my people, especially the bus driver. I say "good morning" to him every morning and he never opens his mouth. I even say "thank you for the ride" at the end of my commute and he still doesn't open his mouth. What's up with that? Why is it that people who look like me don't speak to me when I'm in the store, on the bus, in the hallway, or in the mall. We really need to open our minds and mouths and speak to each other. I get more greetings and have more conversations with people who don't look like me, then the ones who do look like me. This morning, Femi and I where in Publix, the cashier/ the bagger both were brown and older -- the cashier greeted me and Femi but the "brown" bagger didn't until I said, "good morning to you." He then made small talk with Femi. The Publix thing didn't bother me because we did speak but the bus driver and all the brown people I come in contact with on the bus does. Why don't we speak? Why don't we acknowledge one another? I read in a book that one of Howard's University President addressed an in coming freshman class with this, " anywhere you go in the world, you can find one of us ". Interesting enough we can find us anywhere in the world we choose to go but we don't even acknowledge us right where we are. Let's teach our kids to speak and to greet everyone but especially those who look like them. UNITY begins with U (us).

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice.~ Delphine

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dude Breaks it Down!

Ladies, don't get it twisted. I am still a Christian saved by grace but I got to give props to the way this Muslim brother in the UK breaks down his answers/opinions on questions regarding "Allah", "racism", and "black people", he also shares his witness of "self hatred" among his people. I've always admired the discipline of the men in the Nation of Islam,the brothers are very articulate and always appear studied. I like the presentation of a strong and knowledgeable black man. Check this video of this brother out if you get a chance. I just stumbled across this video looking for information on Marcus Garvey. It's worth watching just to hear him articulate or break down what he's learned or been taught! Please believe I'll be googling some of things he's spoke on, I want to know if some of what he said is true.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms To Teach Their Children....If It Had Not Been for God

Ladies, this morning tidbit is one of testimony and praise and I've chosen the marvelous Marvin Sapp to express how I'm feeling this morning about my GOD and HIS mercy. Last week was a rough week for me but I made it. I'm stronger, wiser, and better this week. I'm still standing and I'm in a sane mind. I bless GOD for a sane mind. I made it! I never would have made it without GOD hearing my cry and seeing my tears. I bless GOD this morning. If it had not been for HIM or HIS grace - I don't know where I would be. Bless GOD that you have family and friends that intercede on your behalf, bless GOD for the trials and the tribulations. Life and the disappointments of life aren't easy nor are they easy to deal with but thank GOD for HIM being a refuge and a strong tower. I thank GOD and I bless GOD for HIM being presently strong in my life when I am weak. Let's teach our children to focus on GOD through it all, good times and bad times alike.

Be blessed and encouraged, it's your choice. ~ Delphine

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"She's Got The Look" on TV Land

Another great show! I had the pleasure of watching the She's Got the Look Marathon over the holiday weekend. I recommend watching this to show to all women over 35 or under, women who are inspired by seeing other women do things they haven't had the time, energy or courage to do! Watching some of these women strut their stuff, 40 is definitely the new 20. It's also a good show for those of you who are into the reality shows and for those of you who are "undiscovered" models! Cameras document model scouts, as they scour the country to find their next star: a woman 35 or over who exudes sophistication, beauty and confidence. The aspirants are flown to New York to live in a house together where they will face various challenges such as photo shoots and tests on their fashion know-how. Eliminations will occur weekly until the ultimate winner is crowned. The winner of the reality series competition will receive a lucrative modeling contract with Wilhelmina Models, Inc.

The finale is July 9th at 10:00 pm on TV Land. Don't worry if your not a late nighter you can catch all the missed episodes over the Internet. Enjoy!

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms To Teach Their Children...Being at Peace Is A State of Mind.

Ladies, I tend to get moody at times and those of you who have known me over the years have experienced my moodiness one time or another. I apologize to you for my past moodiness and for any future moodiness. Recently I lost my inner peace, I gained it back for a short period just to lose it again. My state of moodiness then set in with a vengeance trying to destroy the peace surrounding me. The most recent things that have caused me to lose my inner peace has been the death of a close friend and my concern of the care of the kids she left behind, an ongoing disagreement with my son, my husband,and my mother, stress at work, car maintenance issues, and of course weight gain. It's gotten ridiculous - my moodiness. I've been praying for peace and asking for guidance in staying at peace because it's been a struggle to be at peace with others when your inner peace is null and void. Well low and behold, God's word revealed my answers this morning, the scriptures of Philippians 4:8 and of 2 Corinthians 12:9 came to mind. And just in case your wondering, I didn't know the exact books the scriptures were in, I just knew the words of these scriptures. Thank God for Now I'm not saying, I won't ever experience moodiness again but I feel by expressing my struggle with moodiness, I gain the strength to overcome my tendency to become moody so frequently. Truth be told, moodiness had almost become second nature to me. So today, I've made a conscious decision that peacefulness is my desired state of mind and being. God has equipped me and surrounded me with all I need to be in peace whether it's inner peace or outer peace. So in staying true to the point of my tidbit, teach your children or someone else by showing/telling them that being at peace starts in the mind.

Be blessed and encouraged, it's a choice and I've made the choice to be blessed, encouraged, and at peace. ~ Delphine

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

Psalm 29:11 The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Philippians 4:8 finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Enjoy Your Fourth of July

I urge you to celebrate your day with family, friends, neighbors, strangers, or all. I plan on celebrating my day off with my family and my friends. I appreciate the liberty that comes in being able to enjoy a paid holiday. My family and I are going to see the movie "Hancock", we've made a habit of going to the movies on independence day. We are also fans of Will Smith. Later in the day, we will be joining friends for a great cookout and even greater fireworks. I encourage you to be thankful for the day by doing something relaxing and fun. Celebrate whatever type of independence you decide and thank God for allowing it. Happy Independence Day.

1Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


******Birthday Shoutouts*******
I also want to wish my brother Harlee a Happy 34th Birthday and my glamorous girlfriend Leila a Happy 34th Birthday. You guys enjoy your birthday weekend.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Tidbit

God Made Moms....To Teach Their Children The Names of God

Our God has many names. Each name represent who and what He is when we call on HIM. A lot of things I'm just learning myself so I am sharing as I learn. We all should read our Bibles as well as other historical doctrines and research the God we serve and teach our children what's right from the jump start. My youngest son is always asking about Jesus and God. I was taught that the trinity is God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit - that the one God exists in three Persons and one substance. How do I explain this to a four year old? I start out with one, God our heavenly Father,our Lord. JEHOVAH is LORD in our English Bibles. Yahweh is the covenant name of God.

I've listed some names of God and what the names represent in God.

Jehovah-raah -- the shepard
Jehovah-jireh -- the provider
Jehovah-shalom -- the peace
Jehovah-rophe -- the healer
Jehovah-missi -- the banner that guides

Be blessed and encouraged today, it's your choice. ~Delphine