Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

God Made Moms To Teach Their Children....To Honor Their Parents.

One of the commandments I was taught at a young age. I heard it in Sunday School and I heard it at home. The teaching of honoring your parents in my parent's home usually came in the form of a "tongue lashing" stating the most obvious reasons why children should be obedient. The benefits of being obedient meant you would be a child who was free of whippings and free from being yelled at. Now that I am a parent, I thank God for my parent wanting me to know that it is a good thing to honor your parents. I'm now teaching that same commandment to my children, to honor your parents, but not in the way I was taught to honor my parents. I'm not saying my children don't receive whippings or get yelled at, I'm saying that I'm teaching them that honoring means choosing to do what is right. My concept of honoring your parents means doing what is right. I have learned that not all parents do or say what is right. Some parents don't even know what right is. I would be lying if I said, I always do or say what is right because I am still discovering what right is. From what I have learned in life thus far, I want to do what is right. I also want to honor my parents by teaching my children, their grandchildren to honor God, them and me by doing what is right. What is right in God's eyes and ultimately what is right for them and anyone else involved in the choices they make. Even if their choices do not look right in my eyes, I'm believing that they know it's right in God's eyes because that's what's most important. Ladies, I am praying and believing that God's spirit will lead my children down the path of righteous, even if previous choices have lead them down another path, they should always know there is still a path of righteous to return to. Children making the choice to do what is right in God's eyes, brings honor to parents and brings a long life to them.

All kids grow up so let us start praying now that they make the decisions that bring honor to God and parents alike.

Be blessed and encouraged, it's your choice. ~ Delphine

Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. KJV

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